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MSC Open House 2022: August 28th, 2022

a group of student giving a thumbs up or "Gig'em" to the camera
Posted over 2 years ago .

This year’s MSC Open house will be Sunday, August 28th, 2022 from 12:30pm - 4:30pm at the Memorial Student Center.

What is MSC Open House?

It is a student involvement fair with more than 1,200 student clubs and organizations. This is a great opportunity for new aggies to learn more about specific student organizations and involvement in general at Texas A&M.

So, tell your student to mark their calendars for these feature event of the fall semester! Also, follow their Instagram page @mscopenhouse for the latest updates and news. 

For more information about MSC Open house, visit Additionally, browse MaroonLink to find specific organization.

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