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April Webchat: Aggie One Stop (April 20, 2023)

a student holding up their new aggie ID
Posted almost 2 years ago  in Parent & Family NewsFinancial Aid & Scholarships.

On Thursday, April 20th at 12pm CST, New Student & Family Programs will partner with Aggie One Stop to host a webchat about the services and resources that Aggie One Stop provides to Texas A&M students. Aggie One Stop customer service team is trained to handle questions that students typically address to the Offices of the Registrar, Scholarships & Financial Aid, Student Billing, and Military Education Benefits.

Registration for this webchat will be limited to 400 participants and will close on Wednesday, April 19th, 12:00 pm CST. A zoom link will be emailed out to participants 24 hours in advance.

Register for the Aggie One Stop Webchat by going to:

For additional information about upcoming parent and family webchats, please contact New Student & Family Programs at

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Jennifer Reed almost 2 years ago said

I am registered for the April webchat but have not received a link for the call. How do I get the link?


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